MBA Primer in Business Statistics

MBA Primer in Business Statistics

David M. Levine, Baruch College, City University of New York
ISBN-13 -978-0324221268

Publisher: SouthWestern Publishing, 2004
Copyright: 2004
Format: Online
Status: In stock

The MBA Primer for Business Statistics is a self-guided, self-paced interactive pre-MBA course, offered totally online at The course is designed to prepare incoming MBA students for the curriculum they will face.

What is Business Statistics?
Using Statistics in Management Decisions.
Understanding Descriptive Statistics.
Understanding Probability and Probability Distributions.
Understanding Statistical Inference and Forecasting.
Dispelling the Myths.
Summing Up.

  • The MBA Primer is completely interactive. Learning Links, including Business Exercises, Examples and Applications, provide opportunities for students to interact and experiment with the material by applying the topics introduced within each topic.
  • Instructors can easily manage and organize multiple sections in an MBA course. A Notes Feature allows instructors to organize lecture notes. These notes can be printed and kept private, or sent to students using the Broadcasting Capabilities.
  • Pre-tests allow instructors to assess student mastery of the quantitative aspects for each the discipline before students enter the MBA program. The Pre-tests can also be used by students to assess their own mastery of the topics.
  • Quizzing and testing features are designed to provide students and instructors with feedback regarding content comprehension. Students are able to obtain grading feedback after completing each lesson quiz and post-test. Instructors are able to track the number of times students complete each quiz or post-test and are able to see the results.